• Question: do you believe the universe is infinite or finite, and explain you answer

    Asked by aduckcalledkeith to Catherine, Charlotte, Colin, Becki, Rick on 24 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Charlotte Dalton

      Charlotte Dalton answered on 24 Jun 2013:

      I think at the moment the universe is finite as it is expanding so it must be getting bigger from a finite size, I think it might become infinite one day and then begin to shrink

    • Photo: Rebecca Scott

      Rebecca Scott answered on 24 Jun 2013:

      I suppose if the universe is expanding it must have a finite limit, because if it was infinite it would not expand.

    • Photo: Colin Swift

      Colin Swift answered on 24 Jun 2013:

      Taking the big bang as a starting point – then the universe is constantly expanding – so I would say it is finite – mind bogglingly huge – but increasing in size. I hope that makes sense 🙂

    • Photo: Catherine Fontinelle

      Catherine Fontinelle answered on 24 Jun 2013:

      Hi @aduckcalledkeith

      So far no one has found the edge, so I guess that makes it infinite…..for now
