• Question: What do you think we can do to help the planet more?

    Asked by marsa1014 to Charlotte, Becki, Rick on 27 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Charlotte Dalton

      Charlotte Dalton answered on 27 Jun 2013:

      I would say do your best to reduce what energy and stuff you use- recyle more, walk or bike instead of the car, try and reuse stuff like get books from the library instead of new ones, turn the lights off when you leave the room, that sort of stuff. If we all do little things it will have a good impact

    • Photo: Rebecca Scott

      Rebecca Scott answered on 27 Jun 2013:

      Like charlotte says, there are lots of little things that we can do to help the environment. Recycle things, use more public transport or walk rather than taking the car. Turn things off rather than leaving them on standby. You can look at getting solar panels on your house too. One of the easiest is to re-use shopping bags or ask for things to not be in lots of packaging. I noticed this year that you could buy Easter Eggs without the boxes, which I think is a brilliant idea as you don’t need the box, and it saves trees 🙂
