• Question: how are you so smart an what school did you go to

    Asked by jadeestonee to Rick, Becki on 27 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Rebecca Scott

      Rebecca Scott answered on 27 Jun 2013:

      I went to two different high schools because my parents moved house when I was 14. Both were in Norfolk; Fakenham High School and Eaton (CN) School. I wasn’t really that smart in school, I did well in my GCSEs, but I didn’t enjoy doing A-levels and didn’t do very well in them. I was lucky though and still got accepted to my 1st choice uni. I worked really hard at uni. Then went and got a job. The experience of working was really good and I got to meet loads of people from all walks of life, some of them really super smart and others who left school at 15. It made me realise that it is not about how smart you are, but about how you use the knowledge you have. I then went back to uni and had a completely different outlook and approach and really studied hard. I made more effort in the things I found difficult.

      I think as long as you try your best, and never give up. Some things take a little longer to learn but keep practising. 🙂
