• Question: What is the Big Bang Theory?

    Asked by cotyreeves to Catherine, Charlotte, Colin, Becki, Rick on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Charlotte Dalton

      Charlotte Dalton answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      The Big bang theory says all the matter in the Universe was created with a big explosion. At the start the universe was really hot and it expanded quickly (faster than the speed of light in a process called inflation). As it cooled at0ms formed which then formed stars and planets causing galaxies that we know today. Scientists think the universe is still expanding because of something called the red-shift (when we look at starlight it is a different colour to expected because the star is moving away from us). Also there is evidence for the big bang theory because the universe is filled with microwave radiation which is likely to be from the big bang.

    • Photo: Rebecca Scott

      Rebecca Scott answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      I’m not an expert on this, but as I understand it, there was a lot of high energy and density material with huge temperatures and pressures that was rapidly expanding and cooling. During this expansion the universe grew and because of the high speeds and temperatures and stuff, a lot of particles were crashing into each other and causing new reactions and things. Eventually, the slightly denser regions attracted more and more material and started form gas clouds and stars and eventually planets and stuff. Or something like that…

      It’s also a really cool tv show 😉

    • Photo: Catherine Fontinelle

      Catherine Fontinelle answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      Big TV show where they do cool science experiments

    • Photo: Colin Swift

      Colin Swift answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      A theoretical model describing the beginning of the universe, and also a TV show – both described by others!
